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Trust us, we get looks when we say we are passionate about collagen—but that’s because most people don’t know how beneficial collagen is for your overall health. If you knew about a supplement that helps aid healthy digestion, improve joint strength, assist in weight loss, and also make your hair, nails, and skin look and feel more youthful, wouldn’t you be passionate too? What if the product was easy to add to your current routine by simply adding a scoop of powder to your morning coffee or smoothie? What if the product is natural, safe, and effective? Wouldn’t you be pretty passionate about sharing that information with everyone you know, especially if you’ve experienced the benefits of collagen first-hand? Well, that’s why our team at is so passionate about collagen.

We started CollagenComparisons for a few reasons. First, collagen is naturally produced by your body, but your body tapers off production as you age, starting around the age of 25. So the sooner we can help readers find collagen to supplement their own body’s collagen production, the sooner our readers can benefit from collagen. Second, with the rise in popularity of collagen as a health and beauty product in recent years, there are plenty of supplements out there that are either incomplete or overpriced, and we wanted to provide collagen consumers with thorough information and reviews to help them find the best collagen for their needs.

You’ve probably heard that collagen can improve your hair, skin, and nails, and while that is a huge benefit of taking collagen, it actually does so much more in the body. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, as it is a fundamental building block in the connective tissue. So adequate amounts of collagen will help aid in digestion, improve your mood, and strengthen your joints and bones. Our team takes collagen regularly, and we love that it helps with fine lines and hair growth. We love even more that we feel healthy from the inside out. While you might start taking collagen to improve skin elasticity or grow thicker hair, you’ll keep taking it after you discover all the other benefits of collagen in the body.

Everyone! That’s right, everyone can benefit from consistently taking a collagen supplement. The younger you start taking collagen, the less you’ll notice the unpleasant signs of aging from creaky joints to crow’s feet. That being said, if you are older, you have likely started to notice issues with losing weight or building muscle. You can start taking collagen now and enjoy the benefits of feeling healthier on the inside as well as noticing fewer wrinkles, thicker hair, and stronger nails. As with any supplement, consult with your medical provider if you have any concerns about any supplement you are taking.

Collagen is one of the easiest tools you can use to improve your overall health with almost no effort. Simply adding collagen to your current routines by adding it to your coffee in the morning or adding a scoop to your first glass of water for the day will give you stronger joints, healthier gut function, and improved skin, hair, and nails. While some people might prefer collagen in pill form, our team prefers it in powder form. There is no clear consensus about whether pill or powder is the best option to consume collagen, so each person will need to figure out the best form of collagen for them. No matter how you choose to add collagen to your diet, you are sure to experience the many benefits of collagen, like a healthier gut, weight loss, and rejuvenated hair, skin, and nails. Because collagen is naturally produced in your body, it’s safe and effective to take long term.

If you are like most adults, you are always on the lookout for new and easier ways to lose weight. And the diet industry doesn’t make it easy to figure out the best method for you. With so many options for diets, workout routines, and supplements, many people who want to lose weight feel like it’s more stressful to figure out how to lose weight than to actually lose weight. That’s why collagen is a healthy, easy way to lose weight. Collagen helps reduce inflammation in the body, and reduced inflammation can lead to weight loss.

Collagen also helps your gut microbiome stay diverse and healthy, it helps with metabolism, and nutrient absorption, which helps you stay feeling full longer. With stronger joints from taking collagen, you are more likely to exercise regularly without the pain of weak joints. Because collagen is a protein, it helps support muscle building in your body. All of this with just a scoop of powder in your morning beverage—which is why collagen can help you lose weight in a natural, easy way.

As collagen rises in popularity for its wide range of benefits, many collagen products have been developed in recent years. While collagen can be beneficial, not taking the right amount of collagen reduces the effectiveness of the product or does not have any noticeable results at all. The recommended daily collagen dose is between 10-20 grams, depending on your specific needs. If you aren’t very active, or you aren’t trying to build muscle, you might benefit from taking a dose on the lower end of the spectrum. But if you are needing more support for joint health or you are very active and have a higher metabolism, you might need a higher dose to make sure you are getting the full benefit of collagen.

Remember, you likely won’t see the benefits of collagen right away, you need to consistently consume collagen for at least a month or two before you can expect to see or feel visible results. That being said, collagen will help you feel fuller longer, and that side effect of collagen will likely be noticeable right away.

This website is for anyone wanting to know about all things collagen. We dive into all kinds of questions about collagen, from which collagen is best for weight loss to which collagen is best for gut health and more. Whether you are a veteran collagen user and you are interested in finding the latest news and reviews to help you stay up to date on all things collagen or you are a collagen newbie looking for basic information to help you get started on your collagen journey, we have resources, research, and reviews to help you find the right product for your needs.

Our team of experts is dedicated to educating our readers so they can make informed decisions about their collagen supplement.

If you have a collagen product you manufacture and want to get in touch with our marketing team simply email us at with “Product Review Request” in the subject line, and our team will reach out to you promptly to start the submission process.
