Our Review Process

We are CollagenComparisons.com. We performed market-based research around data on who the top Collagen brands/products are. We’ve reviewed dozens of collagen products and our mission is to offer the most detailed comparisons of the best and worst collagen products on the market.

We take into consideration factors like ingredients, protein amount, cost per serving, how the collagen is sourced, whether or not it’s multi-sourced, the ease of purchase, and many other important factors for each topic. Oh, and of course…taste.

Our Collagen Reviews

It might seem strange to be so passionate and enthusiastic about a health supplement, but our team has consumed collagen for years and we know the benefits to expect when you consistently take a high-quality collagen supplement. From helping with weight loss to improving our moods to improved gut health and stronger bones and joints, our whole team is evangelists for collagen.

We are not only passionate about our health, but we’re also passionate about yours as well. Our goal is to inform those who use collagen as a vehicle for optimal health.

The Latest Reviews From Our Team

Get the most relevant reviews you need about collagen from our team of experts

  • Here’s What People Are Saying About Xyngular Complete Collagen
    Here’s What People Are Saying About Xyngular Complete Collagen

    A new collagen product hitting the market isn’t big news. As the rise in popularity of collagen and its benefits become more well-known, many wellness brands are adding collagen to their offerings, so while we love new collagen products to try, the products themselves are usually more of the same.  But when Xyngular’s Complete Collagen […]

  • Here’s What People Are Saying About Skinnyfit Collagen
    Here’s What People Are Saying About Skinnyfit Collagen

    The name of this collagen “Skinnyfit” might make you think it’s the best collagen for weight loss, and while it definitely offers the benefits of weight loss (as do many collagen supplements) it is one of the most expensive collagen products out there.  Skinnyfit collagen has added some interesting ingredients to its collagen formula, and […]

  • Here’s What People Are Saying About Primal Kitchens Collagen
    Here’s What People Are Saying About Primal Kitchens Collagen

    Primal Kitchen is a well-known brand that offers healthy options for sauces, dips, condiments, and more. So when they added collagen to their lineup of products, customers were excited, and rightfully so. Primal Kitchen has developed some of the best-tasting products, so why wouldn’t their collagen match that quality? And overall, it has, especially when […]

  • Here’s What People Are Saying About Bulletproof Collagen
    Here’s What People Are Saying About Bulletproof Collagen

    An established wellness brand like Bulletproof entering the realm of collagen was just a matter of time, and when the company launched its Bulletproof collagen there was a lot of anticipation about the product. In true Bulletproof fashion, their collagen products are high in protein and collagen, and some of their collagen products are aimed […]

  • Here’s What People Are Saying About Vital Proteins Collagen
    Here’s What People Are Saying About Vital Proteins Collagen

    If you’ve heard anything about collagen, you’ve likely heard about Vital Proteins- a collagen brand that has been around for a decade and has become synonymous with collagen supplements. With Jennifer Aniston’s backing and an ever-growing lineup of health supplements, it’s earned its place as one of the most recognizable collagen supplements out there. The […]

  • The Best Collagen For Hair
    The Best Collagen For Hair

    Your dull, lifeless, sparse head of hair is trying to tell you something, and no, it’s not that you need to try a different shampoo brand. Hair health is directly related to your overall health, so ignoring red flags like hair loss, breakage, and slow growth could mean that you are ignoring bigger health problems. […]

  • The Best Collagen For Anti-Aging
    The Best Collagen For Anti-Aging

    Anti-aging is a broad description of specific problems that crop up as you age, and even with such a vague name, the industry was valued at approximately $60 billion in 2021, and is likely to reach 120 billion between 2021 and 2030. So what is the industry actually selling? Creams, mostly.  That’s right, just stuff […]

  • Are MLM Collagen Supplements Worth the Hype?
    Are MLM Collagen Supplements Worth the Hype?

    Finding collagen that checks every box from the source and type of collagen to a complete amino acid profile is not easy, especially when there are so many factors to consider. We’ve researched multiple brands of collagen, with varying results depending on a variety of factors. But what about collagen products from network marketing companies?  […]

  • The Best Collagen For Joint Health
    The Best Collagen For Joint Health

    Nearly one in four adults in the United States is affected by joint pain and stiffness. That means that you, or someone you love, are likely in pain with every movement. While the causes of joint pain are varied, from the normal wear and tear on your body as you age to chronic illnesses or […]

Best Collagen For Hair

This is where we list the best information on collagen for hair

Best Collagen For Gut Health

This is where we list the best information on collagen for gut health
